Our trails are not flat or smooth. The trails are very demanding at times and have numerous hazards, so you must pay special attention to what you are doing and where you are going. You will be running in remote areas where the chance of injury or worse is a possibility. It may take hours for medical assistance to reach you. It is up to you to ensure your own health and safety before, during and after the race.
In the event you cannot continue racing, do your best to get to the closest aid station and let an aid station attendant know you are unable to continue. If you are unable to make it to the closest aid station let another passing racer know you require assistance and ask them to tell the aid station attendants. If you do not encounter another runner or cannot make it to the next aid station stay on the trail so the trail sweeps can try and locate you.
We will have some emergency staff available at the race if you require assistance however, given the remoteness and difficult terrain of this course, accessibility on some parts will prevent immediate attention. Therefore, it is important for you to continually self assess your condition and determine if you can continue racing. Once race officials have been notified that you require assistance we will notify the medical authorities as soon as possible. In the event you notice a runner that does not look well, please inform a race director, medical personnel or aid station attendant.
Each runner is encouraged to consult with his or her own physician regarding any physical or medical limitations they may have before entering the race and to let the race directors know of the limitation(s) prior to the race. It is important for each entrant to recognize the potential physical and mental stresses which may evolve from participating in this race. Adequate training prior to the race is highly recommended.
Be careful and responsible and do not exceed your own abilities and limitations. If you have to be evacuated from the event you will assume the sole responsibility for paying all associated financial costs.
We are not providing medical advice but merely informing you of some of the risks you may face as a result of participating in this event:
- Overhydration:
- Overhydration (aka Hyponatremia) is a condition that occurs when the level of sodium in your blood is abnormally low. Sodium is an electrolyte, and it helps regulate the amount of water that’s in and around your cells.
- In hyponatremia, one or more factors — ranging from an underlying medical condition to drinking too much water during endurance sports — causes the sodium in your body to become diluted. When this happens, your body’s water levels rise, and your cells begin to swell. This swelling can cause many health problems, from mild to life-threatening.
- It is possible that hyponatremia may worsen after a race, as unabsorbed fluid in the stomach can be rapidly absorbed once you stop exercising. Signs and symptoms of hyponatremia may include bloating, nausea, vomiting, headache, confusion, incoordination, dizziness and fatigue. If left untreated, hyponatremia may progress to seizures, pulmonary and cerebral edema, coma and death.
- Dehydration/Heat Stroke:
- It is important to ensure you are consuming the proper amount of fluids in order to prevent dehydration. Some signs of dehydration are extreme thirst, less frequent urination, dark coloured urine, fatigue, dizziness and confusion. Some signs of heat stroke are nausea, vomiting, headache, dizziness, faintness, irritability, lassitude, confusion, weakness, and rapid heart rate. De-hydration and heat stroke may progress from minimal symptoms to complete collapse in a very short period of time.
- Sprains/Fractures:
- Sprains and fractures can occur on our rough trails so be careful where you plant your feet.
- Falling on Slippery/Unstable Ground:
- Conditions will vary from soft and slushy to rock-hard and slippery so wear shoes with good grips.
- Hypothermia:
- Hypothermia can strike very quickly, particularly when there is a drop in core body temperature due to extraneous circumstances, when your pace slows down or from injury. The initial warning signs of hypothermia often include lethargy, disorientation and confusion. You will feel very cold with uncontrolled shivering and may become confused and be unaware of the surroundings. Stay well-nourished, adequately hydrated and properly clothed.
- You need to pay attention to your body temperature during the entire race and in particular when making the river crossing(s) as the water is cold.
- Wildlife Hazards:
- Deer, moose, coyotes, bears, mountain lions and other potentially hazardous forms of wildlife may be on the course. Stay alert!
- Difficulty getting to you on the trails:
- Many of the trails are accessible only by foot. Although we will alert medical and/or rescue personnel as soon as we become aware of your emergency situation there is no guarantee it will arrive in time to give you effective assistance.
- Vehicle Hazards:
- Be watchful for automobiles on roads.
- Tripping/Falling/Object Injuries:
- Tripping, falling and running into things are an ever-present danger on the trails, with potentially serious consequences. Much of the trails are narrow, uneven, rutted, riddled with logs/branches/twigs etc. and steep in sections.
- Renal Shutdown:
- Appropriate training is key to prevention, and adequate hydration is key to both prevention and treatment. Masking an injury during the race by using anti-inflammatories such as ibuprofen has been shown to be a factor in renal failure. Some physicians and medical journals warn against the use of ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) or Naprosyn when used under stressful conditions as they can lead to kidney problems.
- Being Tired:
- You will likely become fatigued at some point in the race. Fatigue, combined with the effects of dehydration, hypothermia, hyperthermia, hyponatremia, hypoglycemia, sleep deprivation and other debilitating conditions can produce disorientation and irrationality.
- Injured on the trail or lost:
- If you are injured or ill such that you cannot go any further stay on the trail. Wandering will likely take you farther from the trail and reduce your chances of being found. If you are assisted by individuals who are not associated with the race and you elect to leave the trail, you MUST notify the official at the nearest aid station of your decision to withdraw. Although medical and other personnel will assist you when possible, remember that you are ultimately responsible for your own well-being on the trail. Only you will know how your body and mind feel at any given time. Monitor yourself during the entire race, and prepare yourself to drop out at the nearest aid station if you find it just isn’t your day. As you continue past each aid station, be aware of the distance to the next one, realizing that getting rescue personnel and/or equipment into these areas can be difficult.